Archive for February, 2012

Science Question

Science Question: Why is the ant an insect? Correct answer: Has 3 body parts and six legs.. Student’s answer: Because it can move and bité people.. 😉

Overheard by Mohana Parikh

16 February 2012

‘Foundation’ Units of Measurement

Maths Teacher has been reminding students to write the Standard Units of Measurement for their answers.

As Teacher walked around and saw a student wrote 10 muffins in the space for answer, she said, “Muffin is not a Standard Unit. You need not write that down in the answer.”

Then the student replied, “Oh, it is Foundation.”

Overheard by Priscilla Ng

08 February 2012

Different Kinds of Pokka Peach Tea

Weijun, an ex-Pathlighter is now in Sec 1 in a mainstream school. He came back to Pathlight to visit teachers and friends. Our principal Ms Kho chatted with him. (See previous entry)

Ms Kho: So what else is different in mainstream school ? Any other things you miss ?

Weijun: I miss the Pathlight cafe.

Ms Kho: Oh – is it our Cafe food ? Our Food Kiosks ?

Weijun: I miss the Pokka Peach Tea.

Ms Kho: Don’t your school sell this in the canteen?

Weijun: They do. But they sell it in cans. Not in plastic bottles like what Pathlight has.
You see , I came back to buy this Pokka Peach Tea in a bottle – my favourite !

Overheard by Linda Kho

07 February 2012

IT Classes

Weijun, an ex-Pathlighter is now in Sec 1 in a mainstream school. He came back to Pathlight to visit teachers and friends. Our Principal Ms Kho chatted with him.

Ms Kho: So what do you miss about Pathlight?

Weijun: I miss the IT lessons.

Ms Kho: Don’t you have IT lessons in your school now? Is it you miss the learning and the interesting way our teachers teach you ?

Weijun: No. In mainstream school, there are 40 students in a class. It takes 10min to settle down and start the IT class. In Pathlight, only 10 students in a class. Very fast to settle down to start the class. I miss that !

Overheard by Linda Kho

07 February 2012

Quiet Body

Teacher trying to get student to join in for Music & Movement.

Teacher: Come on lets move to the music. Move your body join in the dance.
Student: No I don’t want to dance. (Point to teacher) You STOP, show QUIET BODY.

Overheard @ During Music and Movement by Kirsten Woo

06 February 2012