Archive category ‘By Priscilla’

‘Foundation’ Units of Measurement

Maths Teacher has been reminding students to write the Standard Units of Measurement for their answers.

As Teacher walked around and saw a student wrote 10 muffins in the space for answer, she said, “Muffin is not a Standard Unit. You need not write that down in the answer.”

Then the student replied, “Oh, it is Foundation.”

Overheard by Priscilla Ng

08 February 2012

St. James Power Station

The students had just finished doing a science experiment on different ways of connecting batteries and bulbs.

Ms Wendy asked them a question on how the circuit in the classroom for the lights was connected.
Zhong Wei responded curiously, “Ms Wendy, is there a very big battery somewhere in Singapore that connects to the lights in our home for the electricity?”

Ms Wendy: “No, we do not get electricity from batteries but from power stations.”
Nicholas suddenly exclaimed, “I know, it is from St James Power Station!”

Overheard @ In Shorea Class by Priscilla Ng

17 November 2010

Moonlight Toyota

During Contact Time, the students were quizzed on Beethoven’s composition, whether Moonlight Sonata or Moonlight Toyota was the right answer. While walking back to the classroom after Contact Time, some students were laughing at the answer Moonlight Toyota. Then, Delmer told his classmates seriously that answer was definitely wrong because Moonlight Toyota was a Car from the Moon!

Overheard @ MPH by Priscilla Ng

12 March 2010

ONLY 40 not any other number!

In class, the students were correcting their maths questions…

Question: A school bus is allowed to carry only 40 pupils. How many buses are needed to take all 220 pupils to the zoo? The correct answer was 6 buses.
Ms Ng told the students that the answer 5 buses was wrong, because the remaining 20 pupils would not have any transport to get to the zoo.

One of the student, raised his hand and said, “Ms Ng, you are wrong. You see, the question said that the bus is allowed to carry ONLY 40 pupils. Not any other number BUT 40!”
Ms Ng was stumped but tried to reason with him, “Then what would happen to the remaining 20 if you cannot hire a bus for them?”
The student said, “Too bad, they have to walk to the zoo. If not, the School has to hire taxis to take them.”

Overheard @ In the classroom by Ms Priscilla Ng

23 February 2010