Archive category ‘By Siti’

Thor is Coming!

During exam, students were quietly doing their work.
The sky started to grow dark and windy.
Suddenly, there was a clasp of thunder and lightning.
Everyone started to cover their ears with their hands.
Student N suddenly said loudly: Thor is coming!!!
Teacher: !!!

Overheard by Seetee Siti

04 May 2012

Labour Day

The day before Labour Day holiday, a student became suddenly became worried.
Student J asked Teacher: Ms Siti, please don’t give me homework today.
Teacher: Why?
Student J: Because tomorrow is Labour Day. I want to watch the movie The Avengers.
Teacher: But tomorrow there is no school, for sure you have more time to do homework.
Student J: But Ms Siti….tomorrow is Labour Day leh – you got no work, so I also got no homeWORK!
Teacher: !!!

Overheard by Seetee Siti

04 May 2012