Archive category ‘By Sheau-Mei’

Swee Keat & Tsui Kyit

Tsui Kwit from P3 Bauhinia approached me at dismissal this afternoon, he asked ” Ms Loy, I have been waiting for Minister Heng to visit my class but he did not come.I am a bit disappointed”. I asked if he had anything to share with the minister, he said, ” Our names are pronouced similarly, I am Tsui Kwit and he is Swee Keat. I just want to share with him that our names are alike.”

Overheard @ Staircase leading to Hall by Loy Sheau Mei

14 September 2011

Are you a locksmith?

Are you a locksmith?

During NIE practicum, external supervisors were attached to PL for lesson observation. Students were to greet them when they arrived..

Monitor: Class stand, let’s greet Mr Kee?

All students greeted Mr Kee except student ‘B’.

He asked, ” Are you a locksmith?”

Overheard @ P3 Redwood Class by Loy Sheau Mei

28 February 2011

BrandonChanment & Clement

Have a lesson observation this morning. Ms Cindy was teaching the students a new suffix. It was to add ‘ment’ to the baseword.

Ms Cindy: Govern + ment = Government.
Its meaning is a group of
people taking care of a
country. Can you give me some
words which end with ‘ment’?

Brandon : I have a word. It’s
BrandonChanment. It means
there is a group of people
called Brandon Chan. And I
have another word.
It’s “Clement”, our classmate.

Overheard @ P3 Redwood Class by Loy Sheau Mei

28 September 2010

F1 or P1

One of our PP students has a great interest in cars and routinely recognizes the brands of cars such as
Toyata, Honda and others..

Ms Florence: ” John, since you like cars so much, do you want to go for the F1 ( Formula 1) race?”

John : ” No, I want to go P1 ( Primary 1 ).”

Overheard @ ARC Training Room by Sheau Mei

03 September 2009

It’s All in the Timing

One of the student’s was observed to have a cold.
Mr Ravi : ” You are spitting now, but you will be fine one day.”
Student: ” I am fine now…!

Overheard @ ARC Training Room by Sheau Mei

01 September 2009