Archive category ‘By Ruth T’

The Star Wars Fan

While waiting outside for our turn to go into the music room for Performing Arts, teachers and students decided to play a game – naming things in the category.

Teacher: Okay this time round, you have to name planets. Ready.. go!
Student 1: Mercury! (clap clap)
Student 2: Jupiter! (clap clap)
Student 3: NABOO! (clap clap)

Obviously a Star Wars fan.

Overheard @ Outside the Music Room by Ruth T.

28 March 2012

Marble Cakes

Student queuing in front of teacher asked, “Ms Ruth, are marble cakes healthy?”

The teacher replied, “Yes Karthi, marble cakes are healthier than fried food.”

Student exclaims, “Of course, because marble cakes are made of… MARBLES!”

Overheard @ Pathlight Cafe by Ruth T.

22 September 2011