C is for CACTUS

During a science activity lesson, students were required to label the different parts of a mushroom (stalk, gills & cap).

Student, Qian Yan, quickly wrote ‘stalk’ and ‘gill’ and left the ‘cap’ part blank as he had forgotten its name.

QY: Help! This is a….?
Teacher: Try to think. Ms Lina just explained it to you.
QY: Starts with the letter….?
Teacher: C
QY: and after C, letter?
Teacher: I can’t tell you the answer. You have to think and recall.

Teacher saw that QY was struggling to recall the word so teacher pats his head to prompt the word ‘cap’.

QY touched his head and patted his very short spikey hair. He thought deeply for a few minutes and wrote the answer.


Overheard @ Science Room by Marina

27 May 2011

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