Archive for July, 2009

Must Share OK?

Bu Jeng loves to write on the whiteboard. Originally this started with writing the Day and Date on the board, but progressed to finding any opportunity to doodle on the whiteboard.

After several warnings, I took the marker from him and drew a rectangle on the board and wrote: ONLY TEACHERS CAN WRITE ON THE WHITEBOARD.

Bu Jeng got quite upset and walked back to his seat, bent his head and said “Ms. Geeta you must share your white board.

I realized – ‘Yes I was really being selfish!’

Overheard by Geeta

22 July 2009

Oh I’m Sorry Deer!

Female Teacher: Come let me help you apply some glue.
Boy: Thank you…
Female Teacher: (Pastes some coloured paper on artwork.)
Boy: No… I don’t want it like this…
Female Teacher: Oh, I’m sorry, dear.
Boy: Hey! Don’t call me that. I’m not an animal.

Overheard @ the Art Room by Mr Victor

20 July 2009

Drunk at Hamper Worksite

Yesterday, the intermediate group were doing hamper project. Qin yuan was ‘excited’ seeing the wine and started warning quan jin? “do not drink the wine or else you will get drunk”.

In the mist of the project, davin lost his “wine box”. All of us started looking for the wine ernestly. Qin yuan asked davin :”where is the bottle davin ?.”

Davin pointed to where he placed the wine. It was empty.

Qin yuan exclaimed?.’it’s not there. where did it go to?” he paused and continued “did you drink it? are you drunk davin?”

We all broke out laughing

Overheard by Karen

18 July 2009

My Grandmother is Extinct!

Ms Phyllis: … so when animal is no longer in this world, we call them extinct. No more! Bye Bye… it’s very sad.
Marcus: OH i know! my grandmother is extinct!
Ms Phyllis: How can your grandmotherbe extinct???????
Marcus: Because she’s gone from this world. No more! Bye Bye… and mummy was very sad.

Overheard by Marina

16 July 2009

Forgetful Teacher

Scenario: P2 Discovery Lesson

Teacher: I’ll be giving smiley faces to those who look and listen when I’m teaching.
I have a good memory so I’ll be looking at who is paying attention and give the smiley face later during choice time.

20 minutes later, teacher is showing some things to class.

Teacher: Oh dear! I forgot to bring one of the things that I want to show the class. I’m sorry class.

Student: (raised hand) But, Ms Lydia, just now you said that you have a good memory.
If you have a good memory, how come you forget to bring the thing?

Overheard by Lydia

14 July 2009